Inpatient Drug Rehab in Big Spring, TX

Inpatient drug rehab in Big Spring offers anyone struggling with a cycle of drug or alcohol addiction the opportunity to achieve a successful recovery. Yet, a survey conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) indicates that up to 90% of people with a substance abuse disorder don't receive the rehab treatment they need.

It's common for many people caught in the grip of addiction to deny the extent of their problem. They may believe their drug or alcohol use is still under control, or they may feel as though they can still quit usage at any time.

Others may believe they can simply stop taking the substance at home by going ‘cold turkey'. The assumption is that they just need to get through a few unpleasant days of detox before they're somehow miraculously cured of their addiction

In reality, detox on its own only reduces the body's physical dependency on the substance and reduces built-up tolerance levels to the drug being taken. Detox does nothing to address the underlying psychological triggers behind compulsive drug use.

Professional treatment at an inpatient rehab facility uses a tailored combination of therapies and treatments to help teach the recovering person effective new coping skills for living a productive lifestyle without the need for drugs or alcohol.

What is Inpatient Rehab?

Inpatient drug rehab in Big Spring is a comprehensive course of treatment for people recovering from drug or alcohol addiction. Throughout the treatment program, the person is required to live at the residential facility, which effectively provides a safe environment to focus on the process of recovery.

An inpatient rehab facility provides around-the-clock supervision and monitoring, which can be crucial for the safety of some people during early recovery. Medical staff may also be on hand to administer prescription medications to help alleviate the worst of any withdrawal symptoms that may emerge during the detox process.

Inpatient rehab programs consist of a combination of behavioral therapies and individual counseling sessions designed to address the underlying psychological aspect of addictive behavior.

Treatment programs may also include regular attendance at group support meetings, such as Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), or SMART Recovery. Group meetings provide an important level of peer support and added motivation to remain clean and sober over the long term.

How Long Does Inpatient Rehab Usually Last?

The average stay for most inpatient rehab programs is 30 days. However, some treatment programs in Big Spring may extend for 60 or even 90 days, depending on the severity of the addiction.

Inpatient drug rehab in Big Spring offers a range of benefits for people in treatment for drug addiction. Residing at a rehab facility during the early recovery phase offers a safe, drug-free environment where each person has the opportunity to focus solely on the recovery process.

Treatment at an inpatient rehab facility integrates a structured course of therapies and treatments designed to help address both the physical and psychological aspects of addiction.

By comparison, outpatient drug and alcohol rehab centers don't require the person to reside at the facility. The person is allowed to go home after treatment and scheduled meetings have ended for the day. The risk is that the person is returning to people and places associated with substance abuse, with can increase the likelihood of relapsing back into self-destructive patterns of behavior.

Who Needs Treatment at an Inpatient Drug Rehab Facility?

Anyone struggling to regain control over their lives after struggling with drug or alcohol addiction should consider seeking treatment at an inpatient drug rehab in Big Spring.

A comprehensive rehab treatment program can help identify each person's unique triggers behind dysfunctional substance abuse. Counseling also helps to teach recovering people to recognize their own relapse warning signs and high-risk situations.

When the triggers are identified, each person in rehab is encouraged to develop their own unique relapse prevention strategy to reduce the risk of returning to a pattern of addictive substance use after leaving the treatment facility. People in recovery also learn a range of natural and holistic ways to cope with stress and deal with life without the need for drugs or alcohol, along with learning ways to maintain motivation to stay clean and sober over the long term. Call us now at (877) 804-1531.

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